Thursday 18 August 2022

I believe...

 Hey random internet future-Catholics. Peace be with you :)

It's been a long time eh?

I'm still Catholic, although that has waxed and waned a bit in the past... 11 years (wow). It has only been this Lent that I've actually decided to try and make faith and God and active part of my life.

So what has happened in all this time?

Moved Out
Got a Job
Moved Again
Got Married
Changed Careers

Pretty Standard I think huh?

He is non-religious but will come to Mass with my quite happily. We are doing alpha at the moment but he doesn't like it and I know why - its not intellectual enough for him. I would love to get him talking to a priest with a theology/philosophy background. The Holy Spirit is with him I can feel it. Pray for him and for us.

Love you all.