Tuesday, 29 March 2011

These are important questions

Its the third week of Lent - the big show (the easter vigil) is... what 3 or 4 weeks away? Yeah there are some things that are yet to be discussed. For example - how does one DO pennance? Does one have to say anything (this questioner actually asked if he had to recited the apostles creed) before being baptized? How are you supposed to recieve the body and blood of Christ during communion? Do you chew or just swallow it down whole? These are some of the questions that were asked last night of our Catechists and mostly all we got was "we will go through that later" ummm... what? The Easter vigil is close and I know that I want to have a good understanding of the details of the process BEFORE it happens. I don't want something as major as my baptism, confirmation and first eurachrist to be explained to be at worst, the day/morning of.

To be honest, these classes just feel like a bible study group. Not that studying the word of God isn't good - I feel that it just isn't the time to be doing it, if catechumens were being dismissed from the Mass after the homily THAT is the time to be doing what we have been doing. I feel R.C.I.A should be based on the catechism and not the lectionary. I may consider writing my own one to be honest. I think it would be useful because I would have gone through the complete cycle - i.e. I wasn't a candidate. I would do 2 parts; one for catechumens who don't know Christ at all, and one for both catechumens and candidates about Catholic Christianity.

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