Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Religion and Science

Well, if I don't have to deal with enough stress trying to get myself through University the good Lord saw fit to bless(ing in disguise) me with PCOS. My Doctor (who is an Obstetrician / Gynaecologist and happens to have served as the president of the Royal Australasian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists so he knows his stuff!) just wants me to go on the pill. As a Catholic (or almost. Although it's never too late to surrender to Gods will is it? Even if I'm not "officially" counted among the faithful) the pill is an artificial birth control measure right? I want no take in that. I want to treat my symptoms by other means. Here is another womans experience here.

I don't think marriage and children is in Gods plan for me but I do, do, do want to treat the symptoms.

Now to my actual post: being on this road has made me think about science. A lot. It has made me view science and the scientific community and endeavors with new eyes. I think before I put too much trust and faith in science to lead me to knowledge. To lead me to truth. Jesus is truth, he can't deny his nature (as the priest said a couple of Sundays ago) and I will follow him and arrive, blissfully, and probably at the end of my life to the truth realized. I put a lot of stock into being honest and truthful, being the whole truth and nothing but. I think science was my false god, my idol that I would kneel before and say 'your will be done'. Sure, some Christians blindly refuse to believe obvious, OBVIOUS truths and that too, is also wrong. The Lord blessed us with reason and free will and we should use our reason and science help guide us along with His word.

Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Pope John Paul II. Ah yes Pope John Paul, you are right. 

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